Goodbye ChatGPT

April 9, 2024

ChatGPT has finally been eclipsed (wink wink) by newer models and platforms.

Since the recent Claude 3 releases, our Twitter/X feeds are filled with ChatGPT users cancelling or considering cancelling their $20 monthly ChatGPT Plus subscription to switch to the $20 monthly Claude Pro. (And some people switching back.)

Yeah but what about Gemini? Or Perplexity? Or the latest open model? Ahhhh WHO SHOULD YOU BE PAYING-- FOR WHAT?!

What a pain! Let's make it easier for you:

Just pay OpenAgents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Our $10/month Pro plan right now gets you the top 9 chat models from Mistral, Anthropic, and OpenAI.

We aim to be the last AI subscription you'll ever need.

And guess what:

  • OpenAgents is available globally. If one of the big corporate chat UIs won't work for you because of where you live, OpenAgents should work just fine.
  • OpenAgents is 100% open-source. Don't like our models or limits or features or whatever? Fork it and change it or just run it locally with your own API keys.
  • OpenAgents will have not only the best models, but also soon the best agents. Read more about that here.

Now watch me cancel my ChatGPT Plus and Claude Pro subscriptions, then try OpenAgents for yourself.

Basic models require no account, medium models require a free account, and advanced models require Pro. Enjoy!